Saturday, December 22, 2007


As I have more time now, I like to spend it reading newspapers. I read Ming Pao (free in the Internet or pay a fee for unlimited access), HK Economic Journal (no Internet version), Financial Times (not free in the Internet), and International Herald Tribune (free in the Internet) almost daily. The first gives me daily news in HK and China; the second gives me updated financial news, and analysis on international events and business; the third gives me in-depth analysis on international events and comments on various topics; the fourth gives me more international news and in-depth coverage on various topics.

If you want to read quality newspaper daily, I sincerely recommend you to choose either Ming Pao or HK Economic Journal and Financial Times. The more you read them, the more you know many stories behind the scenes and you are building up your insights which help you to identify between facts and prejudices. These newspapers build up your language skills, financial knowledge and logical thinking. Good food for your brain.

2008 is at the doorstep. Try putting newspapers in the new year's plan. Have a nice holdiay!

Thursday, December 6, 2007



當然,除了辦事能力低外,亦要在語言上誤導大眾,大家才可以感覺良好。因此,便產生「煙霞」這名詞。大家在聽天氣報告時聽到煙霞這名詞可能覺得是山谷中的輕煙霞氣,感覺浪漫。其實煙霞是煙霧或霾,即污染物的意思。香港天文台在中文網頁上用煙霞這詞但英文網頁是用 hazy 這字,它是 haze 的形容詞,表示風夾着塵土。政府可以在語言上誤導與歧視中國人,但卻不敢對外國人如此。奴才心態,又一例子。

Thursday, November 22, 2007

A better investment

All of us want to invest into the markets so we can earn a large profit and no longer need to comply with orders from our boss. Let us suppose that you have made it, then what? Travelling? Fishing? Golfing? Reading? Or charity work? No matter what you want to do, you can't do it without a sound mind and a healthy body.

Many of us invest into financial markets but not our brain and body. As time goes by, we have sufficient financial resources but we are left with a sick body and an absent mind. Is it pity?

If you know that your investment needs time to grow up, same theory applies to your brain and body. My advise of a better investment is to read daily, to eat omega-3 daily, and to exercise daily. No much time is needed: a 15 minute reading, a 10-20 minute exercise, and a couple of omega-3 capsules. Half an hour per day and you will feel the difference.

If you want to enjoy life, start investing into the better investment.

Friday, November 9, 2007




姐姐想孩子們能夠掌握中文及英文,所以會把不同的東西的中文名詞告訴孩子,然後叫他們講一遍。在看到姐姐施教時,自己覺得中文及英文的語音實在有很大的分別。當孩子學了一樣東西的英文名詞,要他們再記着一個完全不同發音的中文名詞實在不易。其實我們何嘗不是一樣?我們知道 computer 是電腦,但又有多少人知道 byte 是數元組而 flash memory 是快閃記憶體?

看到小女孩見到拖鞋說 slipper ,但姐姐想她說拖鞋時她因為發音大不同而重覆說 slipper 以表示正確便覺得她的確有難處。要精通中文及英文真的一點也不易。

Friday, October 12, 2007

經驗 - X



人到了某一年紀,可能因閱歷較深而覺得同年紀的朋友在思想上較為幼稚。到此刻多想結交較年長及有深厚學養的人,不知不覺間便想和上述朋友疏遠。這可能會覺得困難,但為免浪費時間便應不再交往,省得花時間和那些朋友虛耗在明星新聞劇集內容時裝潮流及吃喝玩樂中。我喜歡quality time,你又如何?

Monday, October 8, 2007

Experience - IX

It's an undeniable fact that English is the dominant language in the world, and this situation should last for the next 30 years. As a result, English is the best choice as your second language.
Even though some of us have learned Mandarin, French, or Japanese, and in the United Nations the official languages are English, French, Mandarin, and Russian, Arabic and Spanish, English is the only language you can rely on to communicate with whoever you know as many people in the world use English as a second language. If you speak Chinese to a person from India and he does not know how to reply, both of you feel OK; but if you speak English to the same person and he still does not know how to reply, he feels embarrassed. People feel embarrassed not knowing how to speak English.

We are fortunate enough in Hong Kong to learn English since we were kids, so it is not difficult for us to pick up the language again. Nevertheless, if you really want to improve your English, choose a good school such as the British Council. With good English, the world is yours.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

經驗 - VIII



二、對自己的工作有深切詳盡的認識,即英文的know your subject。具備真才實學便去到那裏都不怕找不到工作。有才能便有可能。




Friday, October 5, 2007

Experience - VII

Nowadays all of us are very busy and seldom have time to read. Some of us would rather spend our evenings watching TV or browsing and chatting via the Internet than reading. Well, it's your choice but it definitely affects you adversely. You are heading to become incompetent.

We read to enrich our mind, to widen our experience, and to understand others. Without reading, you can only rely on your daily experience and knowledge to face the future. Your life is like a cat or a dog, who does not read (or can't read) so it cannot increase its knowledge and experience as humans. Since you have acquired the skill to read, it's a waste not to use it wisely.

Nevertheless, we should read the quality ones, newspaper such as the Financial Times, Ming Pao and Hong Kong Economic Journal, and magazines such as the Economist and the Cup. Books are difficult to choose but usually those which have been in the market for 50 years or more and still be reprinted are good ones - they are classics.

My experience told me that when I entered a target's premises and found that he had a lot of good books, I knew that this target was a smart person and I had to be alerted. On the other hand, when I found that my target did not have a bookshelf or only read Apple Daily/Oriental Daily, I knew that this target would not be smart. If the target does not read at all, I knew that I would be in full control. You read so that you feed your mind with substances. With a sound mind you can make good judgement and think critically.

So, please read. It's your road to success.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

經驗 - VI





Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Experience - V

Most of the working male in Central wear suit to work, but not many of them know how to wear the right things. Even though expats in Hong Kong might notice the problems of our wearings but they never point them out as they do not owe a duty to teach us. The followings are my experience:

1. Shirt: white or light blue, do not wear yellow, pink or other colors. White is always the best. Color shirts go on sale but seldom the white. Go to a tailor for the best fit.

2. Tie: any color or patten will do except cartoon or funny characters. Single color looks good.

3. Suit: dark blue, gray (light or dark) or black. Do not wear other colors. No matter it is a two or three-button, never button up the last button. Go to a tailor for the best fit.

4. Belt: black leather.

5. Socks: long and black.

6. Shoes: black, cap-toe lace-ups, not loafers. Must be polished and with heels not worn down. Get an expensive one. It can last for years.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

經驗 - IV


一、頭髮。男士應較短,應過頸、不應染髮(白髮例外),不留海更好,不要電髮;女士較長但不應過膊太多、可染髮但應儘量和原本頭髮顏色類似,不應染淺啡或紫等(不夠成熟穩重),可highlight 但不要太淺色,可電髮但不要太曲。




Saturday, September 29, 2007

Experience - III

Politeness is a tool of success. People like to be treated with politeness but not many people can be reciprocal. Do you say "Good morning" to your colleagues, including those you do not like them or never reply to you? If others are impolite, it should not be an excuse that you become impolite. Impoliteness adversely affects your image and once it becomes a habit, it eats into your character.

I remember that there was a senior staff in my office who had good manners in e-mails. He addressed me by my name, and ended the message with "Regards" and his name. Nowadays many of us who write e-mails simply write the content, no recipient, no ending words, no name. If you write a letter nowadays, you will still remember to write "Dear xxx", and end with "Yours" and your name, right? Why should you not do the same to your e-mails? It impresses others. Remember: If others are impolite, it should not be an excuse that you become impolite.

Friday, September 21, 2007

經驗 (二)



Thursday, September 20, 2007

Experience - I

I like to share my experiences in studying and working with you, and hope they are useful.

If you need to study something for your career, you need to ask yourself whether you like the field or at least you are interested in. If you do not like it, don't waste your time studying it. Even if you have managed to finish the studies, and fortunate enough to get a job related to your studies, you will not be a happy person for the next 30 to 40 years. Imagine you need to spend at least 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 48-50 weeks per year, on something you do not like or feel indifferent about it, is it a tragedy? It means that at least 10 years of you life have been wasted on something you do not like!

We all know that subjects such as medicine, accounting, law, or finance may give you a better job in terms of salary. But if you hate accounting, why be an accountant? People who excel in their career are those who have passion on it. Without passion, you may secure a stable job but you will not be a happy person. If you can choose become a happy person or an unhappy one, you should know how to choose.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


從一開始便對西九龍文娛藝術區沒有好感,感覺這會是貝沙灣的翻板-一個以科技來包裝的地產項目。話說回來。在研究西九龍填海區建造文娛藝術區是否有需要前,近日報章都有報導當初這填海區是本擬發展成為公園,供西九龍舊區的市民享用,補足休憩用地的不足及預留位置建屋來安置受重建影響的居民。*1 若是如此,政府便要向市民特別是上述舊區居民交待為何不守信用。

香港一直都是商業中心及購物勝地,但不是文化藝術中心。在零六/零七年香港藝術館物館共有大約四十萬人次入塲。*2 以一年開館三百一十一天計,每天平均有一千二百八十六人入塲。若我們假設有八成入塲人仕都是本地人,而他們每年都會去藝術館看一次,即每日有一千零二十八香港人入塲,再乘三百一十一即一年有三十二萬香港人入塲,佔人口比例百份之四點七。再者有一部份藝術館的入塲人仕有機會是常客,比例會再低。有興趣藝術的本地人是這麼少,是否值得花這麽多錢建造這些以好大喜功為基礎的建設呢?

可能有人會說,要推動藝術發展,所以便要建立藝術館等以提高市民對藝術的興趣。建立Cyberport 提高香港的科研水平相信大家都聽過,但結果怎樣大家亦有目共睹。在Cyberport 裏的科技公司主要從事銷售及市塲,真正科研都不在香港,香港根本亦無人材可從事科研。事實上,Microsoft 在九八年已在北京開設 Microsoft Research Asia 從事科研而在零三年再成立了Advanced Technology Centre,共聘請了數以百計科研人材在那裏工作。這正正說明Cyberport 的不設實際。當然,我們香港的工商科技官員對此可能不知或絕口不提。建設公共設施應是先有需求才興建,不應建好了才鼓勵市民使用。若根本沒需要,何須建造?有人說西九龍文娛藝術區是西九龍民愚偽術區,實在有一定道理。

*1 請看
*2 請看香港藝術館網頁

Monday, September 17, 2007


自小便不喜歡數學,覺得難且不易明白,所以小學的數學成績較差。姑姐是小學數學老師,她教我數學時真火冒三丈,但仍耐心地陪我完成功課。到了高中,自己亦覺數學成績不好,只好用功力追,數學成績才較進步,而會考數學成績亦有合格以上。到了外國讀書,因英文較深才迫於無奈多修數學科目,但當時又不覺得特別困難。到了大學後的 discrete maths 才真的困難。

回到香港工作後,只要用加減乘除。以往所學的如 Calculus 及 Algebra 已忘記了大部份。記憶中只有一次覺得數學實用是睡在一張較短的床上,醒覺對角的長度較直角長,把身體平放對角,以較長的距離來容納自己。直到最近修讀市塲學而要學統計時才發覺數學很奇妙,想多讀一點。學數學最重要是肯思考。若你肯花時間思考,掌握了有關理論便可應用自如。數學除了公式外沒有標準課文及答案可背。對於只肯強記,不願理解的學生較困難。


Wednesday, September 12, 2007



就以資訊科技為例,英語是資訊科技的母語。若你是普通用家仍可用電腦的中文介面;但作為core tech 人員你必須懂得英語才能寫程式及管理網絡與資料庫。全世界沒可能有一個電腦工程師是不懂英文的,相信否?




Monday, September 10, 2007





Thursday, September 6, 2007




Monday, September 3, 2007









Friday, August 31, 2007

One Life, Live It

When you are over 30, you should have met the basic expectations of your parents, i.e. studying and job. And you should start to meet your own expectations. Different people give you different comments on how to live happily, such as to get a good job, work as a professional, earn as much as you can, not to buy any luxury items, even to love your country. But it is your life, you have the freedom to choose how to live it as long as this does not cause harm to other people or yourself. Others are good for reference but not your benchmark. You should follow your brain and heart to decide your future. By reading more you enrich your brain with knowledge to make sound judgement, by experiencing more your heart will tell you what you really want. Many people, including the government, have comments on what an ideal life should be, but you should use your brain and heart to determine whether it is true or it is simply brainwashing. If you find that others' comments are against your conscience or feeling, ignore them. You only have one life, live it on your own style.

Monday, August 27, 2007


Hong Kong is the right place for food lovers. In Hong Kong, you can taste all sorts of gourmet in the world - French, Italian, American, and of course Chinese. Chinese like eating and it is a tradition of several thousands years. The development of science and arts in China has been interrupted by different ruling classes in our history but cooking is the only technique which is welcome by all ruling classes and it is encouraged to develop to be the best. It is argued that the cooking technique in China is far more advanced than other ethnic groups in the world: we are more advanced than other for not decades, but centuries!

No matter where a Chinese emigrates, he can survive by opening a small restaurant or even a food stall. The cooking technique has been inherited from our ancestors and all of us can at least prepare something for others to eat and earn a living. This is our survival skill.

Thursday, August 23, 2007





Monday, August 20, 2007



說老實話,特首新班子已比上一屆政府多了一些人才,當然較次等的人亦存有但我相信保留這些次等人是有其特殊需要。雖然很多人都批評新班子是AO黨,但AO 其實正是港英政府培養用以執行其政策的華人。由他們來運作整個政府,是很合適的。但其弱點是主人已回英,整個政府已缺乏大腦,所以風浪一來,整個班子就變成亂七八糟兼且互相推搪責任了。在位高官在殖民政府管治下受到市民壓力而辭職實在聞所未聞,但特區政府的局長已試過三次了。




Friday, August 17, 2007

Where do you want to go?

I enjoy travelling. Travelling not only opens my eyes to different cultures but also gives me a chance to know other ethnic groups. I like to know different cultures but I am more interested in characteristics of different ethnic groups.

There must be somewhere in the world besides your homeland that you want to go. No matter it is China, Japan, England, France, Dubai, or all of them, if you want to go, you need to ask yourself which country that you want to visit most. After you have the answer, go ahead. Although visiting anywhere in the world is fun, you should not visit a place simply because there is a discount tour, your friends want to go, or because all of your friends have been there. Your time is valuable and you should use it wisely.

A little research before your trip saves your time and money. Your have heard about San Francisco but you may not have a clue of it. The Internet can help you a lot. Most of the cities/countries in the world have a website for tourists. It usually gives you some information and pictures of it. Read those information and look at those pictures, and see whether you like them. If you like them, that place should be on your travel list. Do not just listen to others, let your heart decides the place. Where do you want to go?

A Home: how to choose it

A home in Hong Kong usually means an apartment. Most of us live in apartments sized from 400 sq feet to 1200 sq feet. Because prices of apartment in Hong Kong are very high, most of us think that buying an apartment is our biggest investment. We do want the price of our home soars but in reality it may not be the case. Based on my experience, it is important that we follow some rules to choose an apartment so that we can keep it's value:

1. choose a nice district, such as the mid-levels (not the Peak), Happy Vally, Taikoo Shing, Kowloon Tong, Discovery Bay, etc. - it is a strong factor that can keep the value of an apartment, never choose the northern part of the NT or any remote islands. Ask yourself if your close friend moves to the district you intend to buy an apartment there what would you say. If your reply is "nice" than choose the district but if your reply is "oh no" or "well...", do not choose it;

2. choose those "blue chip estates" if possible, such as the City One Shatin, Taikoo Shing, HK Parkview, Beverly Hill, etc. - many people tend to buy these apartments as the demand and supply are high, never buy an apartment of a "lonely block" that does not have any facilities, you will have a hard time to sell it;

3. choose an apartment that has a size between 700 and 1200 if possible - we want to live in a big apartment but we need to watch our budget, a size below 500 is too small but over 1200 is over budget;

4. the transportation facilities of the estate should be ample, it is good if an MTR station is within walking distance, or your office is nearby so you can walk to it - it saves your most valuable asset: time;

5. make sure that the bank that you apply for mortgage regards that the value of the property is equivalent to the price you pay - otherwise it means that you have to pay more.

If you have not decided which apartment you should buy, rent it. Rent an apartment in the estate you like and try it for a year to see whether it fits your requirements. If it goes well, buy one; if not, choose another estate. You keep the flexibility and you do not need to owe your bank a huge sum.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


看過以下一個故事:有一天,一個有錢人對你說,他很欣賞你,想請你替他工作。但他有一個奇特的條件,就是你的薪金是每日計算,日薪是港幣八萬六千四百元,如何使用你的薪金隨意,但每天花不完的薪金不能儲起來,一定要還給他。那你怎麼樣?當然是儘量把它花完,吃喝玩樂請吃飯都盡力花,省得有餘錢要還人。 問題是:若果剛才所說的是時間,會否不同?



Monday, August 13, 2007




所有科目中,最大困難自然是英文。當時並無英語為第二語言的課程,因此要和本土學生上同一程度的英文。那些英國文學簡直是難以明白,兼且英語老師的意大利口音英語更使我在課堂上完全一頭霧水。幸好當時學校指派了一位老修士作為所有英語非母語的學生的導師,在他給予我"補底"後才可勉強合格。很感激這位仁慈的長者--Brother DePaul。畢業後,自己只有一次回到學校探望他。當時他的身體已大不如前,不能任教任何科目。希望現在他仍身體健康。

Friday, August 10, 2007







Thursday, August 9, 2007



初到多倫多時是七月,距離開學還有一個多月。由於較為清閒,每天晚上便隨舅父去散步。我們住在市中心,因此散步很多時都行經市中心商業區。夏天晚上八時太陽仍未下山,我們二人散步時仍有陽光,但街上已絕少行人。很多時整條大街只得我和舅父二人。在香港實在難以想像在尖沙咀彌敦道只有二人在步行,但在多倫多卻常常如此,冷清得出奇但亦舒服得很。我最喜歡散步的地方是多倫多大學校園內那條哲學家小徑(Philosopher's Walk),一條幽靜小徑但兩旁都有偌大的綠色草地,的確是思考問題的好地方。但其後大學圖書館擴建,在小徑右側起了一座圖書館後,小徑仍在但壓迫感大增,該處已不復是哲學家理想的漫步地方了。

Wednesday, August 8, 2007






Monday, August 6, 2007



政治哲學是政治系的必修科。初接觸柏拉圖、洛克、霍布斯時被他們的理論深深吸引。每每課餘後都要反覆思考才明白他們著作的內容。由於被俄羅斯的神秘感吸引,當時亦修讀了一點俄國政治。Hedrick Smith 的 "The Russians" 使自己對俄羅斯人的民族性及社會有較深認識。

記得當時交功課自以為看了不少參考書,所以應無問題。但派回功課後教授每每在評語上寫上"too descriptive",要求多些分析才明白教授看重的不是敘述為主的model answer,而是如何看某問題,自己的意見才是評分重點。以往港式教育缺少分析的缺點便顯現出來。到數年後讀碩士時,明白獨立分析便是可考取好成績的不二法門了。

Friday, August 3, 2007



十八歲時由加國多倫多出發,乘飛機到卡加爾(Calgary),然後坐Trans Canada railway 到温哥華。記得在Banff 時被該地的湖光山色嚇得目定口呆,覺得世間竟有如斯仙境。到了Lake Louise 時更禁不住把手裝一口湖水品嚐。當時更覺得乾脆修讀forestry,在該地找一份工作,渡過這一生算吧。少時情懷,在回到多倫多不久後便放下。





二零零三年七月到日本遊玩。以往很多時都在日本transit 但從未真正到過。遊玩途中明白到日本人對清潔的要求極高及最好質量的貨品只予內銷,再看看香港及北方便覺還有一大段路要走才可追上已脫亞入歐的日本。







Thursday, August 2, 2007






Enjoy your life

Taking a long break and choose another career is not an easy task for most people. After you have worked for one or two decades after graduation, you have established your career or at least secure a pretty good package. Your remuneration gives you a comfortable home, nice clothes, good food and a vacation per year. You are in the middle to progress to another level. But wait, is that the job you want or do you feel happy with your job?

Amazingly, many people are not happy with their job. They may not satisfy with the pay, does not like the job nature, tired of long working hours, hate the company's policy, not getting well with the boss, having interpersonal problems, or other reasons. But more amazing is that most people would rather stay as they fear that they may not get a job with similar pay. If you have read the book "Who moved my cheese?", you will know that things are changing nowadays and ready to move on is the attitude you need. If you do not like your job, choose another one. Act fast before it's too late. When you are soon to retire and you realize that you have done a job for 30 years but you do not like it. Isn't it a sad story? Your life is wasted! "You have exactly 5 minutes to win or you have the whole life to regret it". If life is a story book, a book on a person who have done a job or several jobs but none of them makes him happy, this is a story of failure. Happiness does not necessary mean money or a nice apartment, only you know what makes you happy and only you know whether your job gives you happiness.

Keep working on a job you don't like may affect your health also. My Mandarin instructor told me that many of us would spend the first half of our life to get money at the expense of our health, and we would spend the money we got to maintain our health at the second half. Isn't it ironic?

If money is what you worry the most, a simple formula told by my marketing instructor makes you know whether you have enough resources to have a new life. If you need to spend $30,000 per month after retirement, one year is $360,000 and 10 years is $3.6 million. If you are 40 now and you expect to live until 90, you need $18 million. If you have the money, you may resign now.

If you want to change your job, go ahead and make your day. Enjoy your life!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007



實在想空閒時多看點書,但有些書實在令人望而生畏,如 Toynbee 之 "A Study of History"。 但有些事總要有開始,只要開了頭,便直往終點。要讀巨著總要用時間及胆量。若不嘗試便永遠不知自己是否可以完成。

流行讀物永遠是書展的寵兒,正於麥記永遠都有川流不息的人潮。但這些精神及實際食糧是否有益便乏人過問。當吃得太多麥記時閣下知道是在破壞自已身體,而看得太多流行讀物時是否破壞自己腦袋呢?不少人每天花數小時看垃圾電視劇時十分精神,但對看嚴肅書就全無興趣兼大打呵欠。這有點像慢性腦袋自殺:keep your coconut in the dark and feed it with shit!


Monday, July 30, 2007

Hong Kong Book Fair

I went to the HK Book Fair 2007 on a Friday morning. I thought there would be fewer people but I was wrong.

I like visiting book fair because you can buy books with discounts. I bought the Cambridge Pronouncing Dictionary with 20% off. Other books I bought such as the masterpiece "The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire" by Edward Gibbon and "Not quite the diplomat" by Chris Patten also had discounts.

Classic literature are sometimes boring but they are excellent writings. That's why they can last for centuries. Because we do not have much time to read, we should only choose good books, such as those written by good writers (if you do not know who is a good writer, choose classic literature instead). It's like eating healthy food, you do not want to feed yourself with junk food only, right?

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Hong Kong's Education System is in trouble - Part III

What is the relation between our education system and the "current and future government officials"? Our education system only prepares our students to become bureaucrats but not leaders. It emphasises on pragmatism; students are to become skilled workers in their undergraduate training. Research and Development are only for those who cannot find good jobs. Those who want a stable job go to the government. The Administrative Officers (A.O.) and Executive Officers (E.O.), in fact were only chief servants and servants of the British rulers - they were never leaders. I remember 陶傑 says that it is similar to a house owner (master) and his maid. No matter how smart the maid is, a maid can only follow orders. The maid does not have the power to design the house - it's the jurisdiction of the owner. The maid does not understand why the house is designed in such a way as the owner never teaches her how to design with taste. The result is that once the maid becomes the owner of the house, she can only follows the past design. She never knows how to re-design the house with taste. I think the maid needs to know how to design with taste before she actually starts to design but she did not learn it before. The maid needs to study again but she refuses to admit it. The maid would think that as long as the owner can do it, why not her?

A leader not only needs to have education, but also wisdom. Wisdom can be gained by reading the good ones. Do our government officials read more than one newspaper per day or only read the media summary? Do they read 明報,信報,International Herald Tribune,and Financial Times? We know the answer - their performance shows.

Saturday, July 28, 2007


I started learning phonetics in May, and I realized it's a good tool. I can pronounce a word with confidence. I encourage all my friends to learn phonetics if they REALLY want to improve their English. The course at the International Phonetic Association has only 6 sessions but there are lots of materials. I need to practice what I have learned in class frequently in order to acquire the skills of phonetics. And they work!

We never learned phonetics while we were at primary school. If we had learned it, we would have been able to pronounce many English words with confidence.

A writer in Hong Kong says that "If we compare learning language with building a high rise, phonetics is the foundation of a language and grammar is the cement and steel. If the foundation is stable by going deep and the cement and steel are sufficient, the building can be built from bottom to top. If the foundation does not go deep and the structure does not use cement and steel, the building can go up to 4 levels at most... schools in Hong Kong shall teach English phonetics and grammar... phonetics and grammar should be learned in primary school and junior forms of secondary school respectively."

The website of IPA is and the above writer above is 詹德隆. The quotes above are from his book 中通外直 Part 1 Culture.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Hong Kong's Education System is in trouble - Part II

We want our future generations to be bilingual, Chinese and English. Since the majority of Hong Kong people are Chinese, our kids should learn their subjects in Chinese. What about English? We do have English classes since nursery so all we need to do is to hire qualify teachers to teach them. The crux is to have our children to familiar with English terms in various subjects since primary school. We should put English terms in parallel with Chinese terms in textbooks so children know that "香港" is "Hong Kong", "北極" is "North Pole", "國會" is "Parliament", "星星" is "Star(s)", "獅子" is "lion", and "水" is "water". When they are in junior forms of secondary school, the medium should still be Chinese but textbooks should be bilingual so they can choose to read Chinese or English version. Once they are in senior forms, the medium should be switched to English and most subjects should only have English version. As a result, they can understand more when they are in post-secondary school.

When we want our children to learn history, geography, physics, or others, we want them to learn some knowledge, not English. They should learn English in their English classes.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hong Kong's education system is in trouble - Part I

I remember that I read the followings when I was in the secondary school:

"universities in Hong Kong have minimal funding in Research and Development as they were never designed to be research-based universities. The government only wants the university to produce sufficient manpower (skilled labour) to help ruling Hong Kong."

Since the establishment of the first university in Hong Kong in 1912, the colonial government wanted it to produce a group of local elites to help the former ruling this tiny place. The university taught these elites to become skilled labour so they knew to follow standards and procedures, but not to know why and how these standards and procedures came from. Some of these skilled labour entered the government and later became senior officials. The problem is that: the ruler, in fact the British, had never taught these skilled labour on the art of making a decision. All the important decisions in Hong Kong before 1997 were made by the British and the Hong Kong elites were merely executing orders by the British. After Hong Kong became part of China in 1997, these local elites became governor and senior officials but they lacked the skill of making decision as they did not have a clue on it. It would have been fine if there had been nothing went wrong as these ruling skilled labour could simply follow the standards and procedures. If there had been anything unexpected, this new ruling class would not have the knowledge and experience to face it as they could not find solutions from standards and procedures. The past 10 years shows that without the master, these servants could make a mess of Hong Kong.

Even nowadays - 10 years after 1997, universities and colleges in Hong Kong are still the same: keen on producing skilled labour but now they are for businesses and it is encouraged by the government. Finance, Tourism, Logistics, these are the "trends" in Hong Kong so many related programs and courses are available. The problem is - when these trends are over, how can these skilled labour survive? A university should educate one to know how to think rather than to become a model set by government or business sector. If our universities in Hong Kong can make their students acquire the skills of independent thinking, they will have the ability to decide their future and the future of Hong Kong; not just following orders from the ruling class.

For those who do not want their children to become skilled labour, including many senior officials in Hong Kong, they send their children abroad. They want their children to receive education, not vocational training.

When we look at our youngsters, we know that using mother tongue is the best way for them to acquire knowledge (not language) but many of us resist it. Why? Because we are worrying about their future. English is the international language and most universities in Hong Kong claim that English is the medium of teaching. Without a moderate English standard it is difficult for a student in Hong Kong to learn his subjects in university, no matter local or overseas. The dilemma is that many students in Hong Kong are not capable to acquire knowledge in their second language, such as History, Economics, and Physics. I still remember that when I started my secondary school, all subjects except Chinese and Chinese History were in English but my primary school was a Chinese medium school so I had a hard time to learn other subjects and I had a feeling of failure as I did not understand the content of most subjects. How can we resolve this dilemma?

Hong Kong and Canada

I have been living in Hong Kong for over 30 years. I was born in Hong Kong, finished my secondary education in Hong Kong and headed to Canada for post-secondary education in 80's. After I stayed in Canada for a while, I liked this country and I thought I would stay there forever. My experiences in Canada opened my eyes to the world. After I stayed in Canada for 5 years, I returned to Hong Kong in 90's for a summer vacation - first time in 5 years. The vacation lasted for about 3 months and I was glad to see my relatives and friends. After I returned to Canada shortly, suddenly I felt that I missed Hong Kong very much; I missed my relatives, friends, and the place. It was my homeland and I want to stay there and work for a better Hong Kong. I returned to Hong Kong one year later - after I obtained my undergraduate degree in Canada. It was a right move as the economy of Canada was getting worse in early 90's.

First Blog

This is my first blog. I want to share my views with you about many issues in Hong Kong and overseas.