Thursday, November 22, 2007

A better investment

All of us want to invest into the markets so we can earn a large profit and no longer need to comply with orders from our boss. Let us suppose that you have made it, then what? Travelling? Fishing? Golfing? Reading? Or charity work? No matter what you want to do, you can't do it without a sound mind and a healthy body.

Many of us invest into financial markets but not our brain and body. As time goes by, we have sufficient financial resources but we are left with a sick body and an absent mind. Is it pity?

If you know that your investment needs time to grow up, same theory applies to your brain and body. My advise of a better investment is to read daily, to eat omega-3 daily, and to exercise daily. No much time is needed: a 15 minute reading, a 10-20 minute exercise, and a couple of omega-3 capsules. Half an hour per day and you will feel the difference.

If you want to enjoy life, start investing into the better investment.

Friday, November 9, 2007




姐姐想孩子們能夠掌握中文及英文,所以會把不同的東西的中文名詞告訴孩子,然後叫他們講一遍。在看到姐姐施教時,自己覺得中文及英文的語音實在有很大的分別。當孩子學了一樣東西的英文名詞,要他們再記着一個完全不同發音的中文名詞實在不易。其實我們何嘗不是一樣?我們知道 computer 是電腦,但又有多少人知道 byte 是數元組而 flash memory 是快閃記憶體?

看到小女孩見到拖鞋說 slipper ,但姐姐想她說拖鞋時她因為發音大不同而重覆說 slipper 以表示正確便覺得她的確有難處。要精通中文及英文真的一點也不易。