Friday, August 28, 2009

Keep going

It has been a year since I started my graduate study. Time flies. When I started it in 2008, I thought that I still have a long way to go. Now I feel the pressure. I need to read more, faster, and wider. And I need to use more time on my study.

As a part-time student, normally you do not want to participate in any school activities. Those are for young adults. All you want is to attend classes, finish your assignments, and meet all requirements - you have no time for others. Although we are busy in our work and school, we should at least spend some time on some non-physical or non-social activities at school such as academic conferences and talks. Some of them are definitely worth to attend and I attended some. You get more knowledge while you meet others who are also keen to explore more.

See if we can meet in the coming conferences and talks.