Thursday, November 22, 2007

A better investment

All of us want to invest into the markets so we can earn a large profit and no longer need to comply with orders from our boss. Let us suppose that you have made it, then what? Travelling? Fishing? Golfing? Reading? Or charity work? No matter what you want to do, you can't do it without a sound mind and a healthy body.

Many of us invest into financial markets but not our brain and body. As time goes by, we have sufficient financial resources but we are left with a sick body and an absent mind. Is it pity?

If you know that your investment needs time to grow up, same theory applies to your brain and body. My advise of a better investment is to read daily, to eat omega-3 daily, and to exercise daily. No much time is needed: a 15 minute reading, a 10-20 minute exercise, and a couple of omega-3 capsules. Half an hour per day and you will feel the difference.

If you want to enjoy life, start investing into the better investment.

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