Sunday, December 6, 2009

Time Management

I was very busy during last month and early this month. My work was packed and I needed to prepare for the assessment of my course. Besides, I am preparing the final version of my conference paper to be presented next month and I need to start writing another paper for another conference.

I need better time management so that I can allocate my time for family/research/work/study/rest. I tried to read some books but just couldn't afford some time to do so. Reading is my habit and I had to put it aside for a moment.

From what I have learned, the time management skill requires you to select the most important task for the day and focus on it. Having done that, go for the second most important task and so on. That's how you can complete the most rather than doing unnecessary but urgent tasks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is not easy to do so.