Sunday, April 19, 2009

Government direction again

A few weeks ago the HK government, once again, pronounced that it would consider giving resources to boost the growth of six different trades. It is just a repetition of the same mistake made years ago when the ex-CE claimed that HK would be a hub of Chinese medicine or IT or whatever. We now know that those ideas were built on sand. Again? Please don't.

Government giving directions never work. Those who work for the HK government are just people who know nothing but bureaucracy, probably they know one thing - how not to do it. You ask them to lead us? The performance of our government in the last 12 years speaks for itself.

The government should only provide the rule of law, respect its people, give us justice as well as beneficence and we should be doing fine. We know what we need. Give us the tools and we will finish the job. This is not North Korea, we don't need non-stop directions.

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