Saturday, October 18, 2008

Financial Crisis

Now we are all in the centre of financial crisis. Our pension funds are losing money and people are losing jobs. Some elders are forced to work in their 60's or even 70's. For those who can keep their job in the coming 2 years are the lucky ones.

The financial crisis comes from the US and then spread to the whole world. We can all blame the US to make us like that but if we were not tempted by our own desire for fast money by investing into complex financial products, we would not become what we are now.

In the past, we envied those who worked for Investment Banks and many people were desperate to become a member of them. Now it's all over. Although we did not understand why people in the Investment Banks could make so much money, we just wanted to be the same. Now we know that their huge income came from those complex investment products that lured people to invest in. When the bubbles are explosed, we all need to start from the ground again.

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